Monday, May 26, 2008

Gods Love

I believe in the power of angels, for many reasons.

To begin with, when I was a young mother I had many a late late night rocking my children when they were sick. Not knowing how to calm them and help them rest I would pray to the Lord. I remember distinctly one very late night crying tears of helplessness pleading with the Lord to help me to bring peace to my child. At the end of my prayer an idea came to me, I followed through and my child felt peace and calm enough to rest.

This memory has never left me. I know that not only was my prayer answered but the angels of the Lord were with my child and I the rest of the night so that we both could sleep. I know there are angels all around us. I know that God loves us so much that He sends His angels to administer to our pains and bring us peace and safety.

My children do not live with me. This is a source of constant pain and anguish of the soul for me. Many a night I have cried out to the Lord to bring me peace that I might be able to sleep. I worry so for them. I worry for their souls and for the choices of the past that have caused my children pain. There are even times when I am so worried over them that the only way I can comfort myself is to pray to the Lord to "Circle the Arms of His angels around them and protect them." I KNOW with all that is in me that He does this. I have felt it. I have felt a warmth in my heart that quiets, comforts and brings an abundance of peace to me.

He has done this for me in my life innumerable times. I know He does this for you as well.

The reason I felt the need to write of this is it has happened to me again. This time in a way that I want to never forget. I feel it is a private matter meant for me. However, I needed to share with you the Power of Heaven. It is beyond the scope of our minds ability to conceive it.
God is real. God and His angels guide our lives daily. I know this to be true with all my heart. I have felt it through the witnessing spirit of the Holy Ghost. You too can feel this witness if you open your heart and mind to the Lord. Pray with Full sincerity of heart and you will know the things I write here are true.

I bear witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I bear witness of Gods love and mercy for our lives. He knows and loves us very much. He is aware of the pains and burdens that weigh us down. He knows that often we are unable to push forward in this cruel mortality we live in. He knows us individually. He is there for you. He is waiting with His arms outstretched. When you least expect it He is lifting the burden and lightening your load just enough for you to get your feet and strength back under you. He loves you so much that He allowed His son, our Savior Jesus Christ to perish on the cross.

When this life feels as if you can not endure another moment. Turn to HIM in pleading prayer and you will find HIM. I promise you this! I bear witness to this with all my heart. His angels of mercy and love are waiting to administer unto you. In HIS almighty name. Amen.

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