Sunday, May 4, 2008

Controversies and Living Prophets

Joseph Smiths First Vvision of Heavenly Father and Jesus

I need to talk for a moment about our Prophets. I know there is much controversy over the prophet Joseph Smith. I know because when I was returning to the church I struggled to believe in him as a REAL prophet of GOD. It's one of those stories someone tells you once and you can hardly believe it is real. There is just no possible logical way that God appeared to a 14 year old boy and eventually returned the keys to the priesthood that had been lost to this young man.

Another controversy that even I, myself struggled with on the road to returning from dark places is the fact that Mormon's brain wash their little children. From a logical standpoint it does look like a brainwashing. We are taught from the time we are little children about the inner workings of our religion. And if one didn't know better and judged only from the surface it does seem to be like a brainwashing. Teaching a child one way so that its all they ever know.

Why do I bring up such negative concepts here on my SPIRITUAL blog. Because if you are to be truly converted you may want to hear about concepts I struggled with, reasoned out, researched and ultimately laid to rest after praying to the Lord. These are tough questions and ones that can't just be put aside. You must find answers for yourselves just as I did. I will share my answers with you and encourage you to question them and test them and ask the Lord for a confirmation of the truth.

See that is the difference between a BRAINWASHING and The LDS religion. In a brainwashing you are not allowed to ask. You are restricted to what you have been taught and you follow it blindly. But, in the Mormon church each person, every individual is encouraged to find answers for themselves. To look into the questions deeper and then to take it to the Lord and wait for an answer. You must have faith that the Lord will answer your prayers.

This laid to rest the idea that was presented to me by others who felt that Mormons were brainwashed. I now know with all my heart that we are not brainwashed. We are taught the ways of the Lord. We are taught that faith in God will bring peace to your life. We are taught to live the laws of Christs church from the bible. We are taught that Christ is real and God knows us. Then after we are taught, we are encouraged to ask God ourselves. Leaving our hearts open to the witness that is and can only be felt with the heart and the power of the Holy Spirit. I know God answers prayers. I know He will answer yours. He answered mine.

My first real test of this came when a few years ago I wanted to KNOW that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I wanted to feel it in my heart and not question it. From the worldly or logical perspective, as I stated before, there was no way it was true! But, by small and simple things great things come to pass. Jesus Himself was small and simple, a carpenters son of humble birth. Joseph Smith was no different.

As I struggled to understand how he could have really been the first prophet of my church, a new movie was released. It was timely and seemed in and of itself a tender mercy that the Lord sent to me. Though I am not vain enough to think it was only for me, it did seem to come at just the right moment to answer my questions. It is for all.

It depicts the life of Joseph Smith and can be viewed at any LDS temple visitor center. I encourage you to watch it. It was there that the Holy Spirit Testified to me that what I was viewing was a true story and that Joseph was called of God to bring to pass the restoration of Christs church. I now know that its true. It is also because of his humble plea in a grove of trees that I know all that I know about the life of my Savior Jesus Christ. I have Joseph Smith to thank for his sacrifices and for the testimony I have of Christ.

It's okay to ask the questions. It's okay not to just believe it because it is what you are being taught. It's okay, because even God wants us to know. He will make the answers available to you. Ask him, in faith, believing He will answer your prayer and your questions. He will. I know He will.

Recently, as I attended the annual LDS women's conference in Provo, Utah this past week, I was able to sit and listen to our Living Prophet today. President Thomas S. Monson. I was sick and felt really badly but knew that I was suppose to be in that huge assembly of women to hear his words. His words as the mouth piece of the Lord.

It is a miraculous and wonderful thing to have a living Prophet today. Guiding us and teaching us in the ways of the Lord. As he was walking into the building with his loving wife by his side, there was a silence that fell upon the crowd. We stood in reverence and respect for his position in our lives and our church. And then we began to sing a song we often sing to our Prophets. It was without the piano and so beautiful.

"We thank thee Oh God for a Prophet to guide us in these latter days. We thank thee for sending the gospel to lighten our lives with its rays. We thank thee for every blessing bestowed by thy bounteous hand..."

Tears feel down my checks once again as the spirit witnessed to me that Thomas S. Monson is a true and living prophet called of God and put here to guide us in righteousness. What a glorious experience it was.

I know that God lives. I know that He loves his children. I know He is aware of your questions and your struggle over logical controversies. I know that He wants you to find your way. Ask Him. Seek Him. You will find Him. I know because I have.

I say this in His name. AMEN.

1 comment:

brynn said...

This touched my heart. Thanks for sharing.